You know am really growing restless about everyone complaining about our MP’s refusal to have their allowances taxed (yawn)…I mean, if politicians taxed with the ‘burden’ of enacting laws don’t want their benefits taxed, what you gonna do bout it? Or in the words of the now famous super MC, Super DJ, super Producer, “Mta do warrr?”
One trait that really exacerbates me about the citizens of this nation is our lip service expertise. We simply love to talk. We don’t do ish, we just jibber jabber, jabber jibber. And even when we act on our lip service, we have to be incited by the very same politicians who we are so angry about! Damn! Politicians have learnt how to play us like marionettes. We can’t act on our own without them.
We can talk all we want. We can voice our anger at these greedy politicians at the top of our lungs. But if we don’t do something about it, things ain’t never gonna change! The politicians are going to keep getting away with murder, and we’re going to keep being manipulated by them every 5 years.
It was American president and inventor Thomas Jefferson who once said, “Every generation needs a new revolution…” At this moment in our nation’s history, no statement is more profound.
As a rule of thumb, historians usually measure a generation as 30 years. Look at these historical facts about the 'Change Generations' of this great nation;
1950s: After about half a century of colonialism, the youth of that generation put actions to words. Using politics, pangas and pistols, they did something to ensure the evil British rule was brought to an end. In about a decade Kenya was a free nation
1980s: Independence brought with it a new kind of tyranny – dictatorship and misuse of power. The youth of the 80’s didn’t just complain about the oppression, they sacrificed everything to put an end to this tyranny. By 1992, Kenya was a multi party democracy
2010s: Last year, these selfish politicians took us to the brink of civil war. That was 2007. In less than 2 years, the revolution that our generation will be remembered by should be well underway. The spark that will light this flame is within each one of us. It engulfs us everyday. It pricks our soul every time we choke with anger at the selfish ways of these politicians. It’s up to us to release this spark. It is our duty to link this spark to those of millions of youth across this nation great nation. Its time for these sparks to fuse and engulf into one great, unstoppable inferno. It is time for this generation to stand up and stake their claim in history. It's time for Kenya's 3rd Revolution.
So, let’s all stop talking, let’s get to acting. I promise you, as history is the greatest teacher on earth, by the 2020s – the actions of our generation, we will have changed this nation forever! And if we don't take any actions now, history will judge us harshly.
To end this jibber jabber, I find that the words of Bob Marley's 'Revolution' anthem couldn't have painted a more explicit picture of our current scenario:
Never make a politician grant you a favour;
They will always want to control you forever,
So if a fire make it burn
And if a blood make ya run
Rasta de 'pon top, can't you see?
So you can't predict the flop
How To Start A Revolution by Henry David Thoreau
Want some pointers of how this generation can start spreading the revolution spark? Click on the link below...
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