Teeniez and everything about ‘em - likes, dislikes, aspirations, interests, role models and other aspects of youth culture is what The Insyder is built on. Yet the vengeance with which teeniez chose to communicate dissatisfaction with issues that were affecting them in their schools came as a surprise.
Sometimes, in a bid to make their presence felt and when seeking recognition as independent people, they can be difficult, stubborn, even defiant, loud, demanding and rowdy - but to become arsonists was a move no one would have anticipated. The scale on which it happened is also worrying: about 300 schools countrywide went on strike. When the smoke finally cleared up, the damage to property was extensive and a student (from Upper Hill School) had lost his life.
Yet life goes on: schools have to re-open, KCSE exams have to be taken and learning has to go on.
Repairing the Damage
So where do we start in setting things up again and in a way that works for the students, the parents and school administrators?
All Parties Must Take Responsibility
Pointing fingers is time wasting and does not resolve issues. Of course, everyone will try and absolve themselves from blame by accusing the other. We need to arrive at a point where we all agree each party had a part in contributing to the pertinent issues students used as 'reasons' to go on strike about. Students have to agree that the way they behaved was totally unacceptable - this would be a productive first step.
We would love to get your suggestions, no matter how outrageous. Please give us a holla and give your opinions and suggestions on how the student body can remedy the