Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More Questions Than Answers About Brittany Murphy's Death

Brittany Murphy's sudden death yesterday at the young age of 32 has caused a lot of speculation online. Foul play is not suspected, according to officials from the Los Angeles Coroner's office.
It's believed the star suffered from diabetes, and according to her family she was ill prior to her death. She was reportedly found by her mother Sunday morning unconscious in the shower with a pool of vomit nearby, and a source tells TMZ.com there were "a lot of prescriptions" in the house. Some websites mention anorexia may have contributed to her death, even though in 2006 the actress denied having the illness. Brittany's father is "mystified" over his daughter's death and is suspicious of her husband, according to RadarOnline. He explained, "Hopefully, the police will be able to get to the bottom of what actually happened – I'm sitting waiting for a phone call with more information." Meanwhile, TMZ reported her husband didn't want an autopsy. Sound suspicious?