Friday, October 12, 2007
Smirnoff Events Jinxed?
My question is; kwani what cuts whenever Smirnoff throws a major bash at Carni? Is it a jinx or what? Hola at me people...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Jua's Moto Keeps On Burning!

Now, we all know that the Chaguo La Teeniez Awards have always been the Kenyan music industry trendsetter. Early this year teeniez endorsed JuaCali as the Teeniez Male Artist and Teeniez Role Model. Less than a month after that, JuaCali was the proud ambassador of mobile phone brand Motorola. It is no secret that his cult-like status amongst Kenya’s youth was confirmed during the April awards ceremony, but the greater revelation about his larger-than-life persona was his confirmation as the official Teeniez Role Model. From then on, the corporate world saw him as a ‘safe’ brand and decided to exploit his star status. Since his sterling performance at the CHAT Awards, it has been a hectic celebrity life for the California Estate resident, born Paul Nunda. If there is any musician right now; Urban Pop, Genge, Boomba Pop, River Road, Gospel, Choir…just about any genre you can think of, none is enjoying celebrity endorsement status like JuaCali. The Eastlands rapper is currently enjoying a Motorola ambassador endorsement and has been taking time out to showcase the Motorola W Series of handsets, with appearances, signings and performances. "Jua Cali is part of the Motorola family and we have been honoured to have worked with them in the recent past," said Joanne Doyle, Motorola marketing manager for East Africa. "Jua has been a great ambassador and like Motorola, is all about creativity, style and substance so we could not be happier that his hard work has been recognized…," she said.
With his star shooting higher to the heavens, could this be the beginning of the birth of true Kenyan celebrities? Music superstars who not only command celebrity status in top magazines like The Insyder, but also command endorsement dollars? Or is JuaCali just a flash in the pan, and his superstar bubble is just about to burst and return him to being a mere newspaper pullout celebrity?
Friday, July 13, 2007
Is Smirnoff Promoting Drink n’ Drive?

This, as you already know, is simply my opinion (and you know what they say about opinions…hata wewe uko na yako) – so I want you to give me yours. Have your say and comment about my thoughts…
Smirnoff Throws Some D’s On Subaru’s
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Mi Si Like Ngoma Ya Abbas!
Damn it Doobz, why did you have to go and mess everything up?! I mean, you’ve been like killing it in every track you’ve unleashed in the last 5 years, so why did you have to take us back to the dark days of ‘aping’ MC’s from the states? Dude, you’ve got a style that kicks and lyrical skills that can hold their own against virtually any MC on the globe; why did you have to go and do a joint that makes you sound like a cheap a** Rick Ross bootleg?
You’re my boy and all, but I have to lay it down like it is; your latest outing sucks! ‘Mi Na Like Chapaa’ reduces you to an MC who thinks he sounds better by following the crowd. Man, you’re above that! Abbas Kubaff doesn’t follow the masses, he stirs up the masses! You ain’t a follower young blood, you’re an innovator. Rick Ross should be biting your style and not the other way round. The moment an artist loses his style and tries to adopt one that belongs to another artist, then that artist (Abbas) has lost direction and is by essence ‘a mtumwa’!
I won’t comment on the production that has been put into this track coz I don’t want to demoralize an MC who I have much respect for, but in future, let’s not release such matope! Save it for the young cats trying to break into the game.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Akon Sorry For Kutaing Under 15 Girl’s Vitu

Akon’s relationship with Gwen Stefani might have gone sour after Verizon wireless dropped the sponsorship for her “Sweet Escape” tour. As you all remember Akon recently apologized to Gwen for the controversy surrounding his Trinidad concert. It appears that the public apology wasn’t enough because Akon’s singing about his sorrows.In a new song called “SORRY”, Akon apologizes to Gwen in regards to humping a 14 year old at his concert in Trinidad. He mentions how he had no idea she was underage since it all went down at a 21 and over club. Akon also goes on to say that her father, who is a priest, should have known where his daughter was at that time. He ends the song with a apology to Gwen for all his actions. We are pretty sure Gwen and her camp were pretty upset over the loss of a big sponsorship. We’re talking about millions of dollars at loss and these days a tour is the only way artists even make money so you do the math. It must be really bad for an artist to take the extra step and make melodies to show his apologies.
Timbaland Smashes German Racist

Raw & Unkut

His debut album ‘Beat’n Down Yo Block!’, produced by Big Oomp under Koch Records, was an instant hit. Unk stormed into the global hip hop scene with the blazing, high energy single “Walk It Out.” But Unk didn’t just walk off with his first hit, he ran for glory and was blessed this year when he unleashed his second monster hit ‘2 Step.’ Both singles got to the number one spot in the US Hip hop/R&B charts. With the release of his album, Unk could well be on his way to becoming the south’s new hip hop voice. Now walk it out to the next story…
Friday, May 04, 2007
Why Young People Can Never Lead Kenya
This blog is getting political despite teeniez’ apathy towards the dirty game. Am I doing the right thing by getting political and straying away from the entertainment scene? Maybe not. But this being an election year, you can’t get away from the murky topic of politics.
Back to my mantra above (no disrespect to what the Vijana Tugutuke group are doing, your work is really appreciated); everyone seems to be of the opinion that young Kenyans (to be politically realistic, these are people aged between 25 – 35) are going to take up leadership of the country. I have only this to say for the people who believe in this school of thought: IN YOUR DREAMS!
First things first; what leadership are young people taking up? It would have to be parliamentary seats. Why do I say this? A parliamentary seat, means that you can be appointed into ministerial position and therefore wield power to control government policy. To win a parliamentary election you need money, which often translates to influence. To make money, you largely need to have lived long enough to accumulate a substantial amount of wealth to fund your campaign. To be influential, you need to have lived long enough to make the necessary friends who allow you to have this power. In addition, to hold public office you need to portray leadership and trust qualities. To be a trustworthy leader, you need some sort of leadership experience. If you’re a political novice, the only experience you can count on is professional. To stand out as a professional leader, you need to have worked many years to rise to top management positions in order to display your potential. Even the youth won’t vote for an aspirant who does not portray leadership attributes.
So, whichever way you look at it, being young is a major disadvantage. Realistically, with the exception of about 5 – 10 individuals, the youngest age of an MP in the next parliament will be 40. And even for those exceptions, the only reason they will make it to parliament is because of political patronage, ‘inheritance’ of a seat once held by a family member or through brilliant entrepreneurial skills that have led to an accumulation of enough wealth and influence to guide them to the August House. What say you?
Monday, April 23, 2007
It’s About Time We Had Condom Dispensers in School

Friday, March 16, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
Why Kenya’s High School Education System Is Biased

Even in countries where ‘Ivy League’ schools truly exist, they are usually private institutions, and not government owned. Reason being that private school owners can fork out tones of cash to recruit the very best teachers and buy top notch learning facilities. For the majority of the denizens who can’t afford to attend these high cost Ivy League schools, they are left with no alternative but to join government funded schools. Why then, should the government further discriminate on the children of its tax payers by creating some schools that are equipped with better learning facilities than others? Shouldn’t all government schools have the same learning facilities? Shouldn’t every teenie in Kenya have an equal opportunity to get to a university or college education? The reason school fees and other related costs at the so called National Schools are so high is because there is no equitable distribution of educational facilities. It simply does not make economic sense for a student to travel all the way from Mombasa to Thika to study in an ivy league National School. If there was no discrimination in the equitable distribution of high school facilities, there would be no need for this student to endure the torture of traveling 500 kilometres to get a quality education – she would get that education in Mombasa.
As we once again congratulate Starehe Boys Centre for topping the KCSE exams, we should ask ourselves one question; if all the high schools had, more or less, similar educational facilities, and the criteria for recruiting high school students was based on geographical proximity rather than intellectual hierarchy, would the same schools keep topping the national high school examinations? The answer is most probably, no. At the end of the 4 years, shouldn’t your entry into a tertiary level institution be dictated by your intellectual input and not the school you attend? What say you?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Give the Oscar to Joseph Olita

A huge majority of subscribers to this blog will most probably not have watched the 16 year-old epic, since they must have been like 2 or 3 years old when the classic was released, but this does not mean they should hear about it. Produced by the late Sharad Patel (who was also a Kenyan citizen), The Rise and Fall of Idi Amin was a movie about the true story of the Ugandan military dictator. Legend has it that Joseph Olita played Idi Amin so well that Idi Amin himself swore (he had then been disposed and was in exile in Saudi Arabia) that if they ever crossed paths, he would kill him with his bare hands. Of course Idi Amin is long since dead and Joseph Olita’s international acting career failed to take him to Hollywood.
So good was Olita at playing Amin that in preparation for his great performance, Whitaker surely must have benefited from a study of The Rise and Fall of Idi Amin. In fact, we in Africa aren’t really surprised that the professional critics have not noted, reminded, or even compared Olita's previous very stunning portrayal of Amin. Most objective critics would admit that if you compared Olita’s and Whitaker’s portrayal of Amin, the former stands heads and shoulders above.
But such is the tragic case of Africa; ignored by the west and the world in general, despite its great contribution to the world of entertainment. And when the world and Hollywood finally directs some attention towards this glorious continent, the characters playing leading roles in stories about the continent, are not African!
Friday, February 23, 2007
On The Verge
Who will be the next Kenyan artist to blow? 2007 is only in its second month but the battle to claim the title of ‘Hottest New Artist’ is intensifying with every week. Already, 8 new acts have been nominated in the CHAT Awards ‘Teeniez Surprise Artist’ category, with Wambui (of Calif), CLD, Chiwawa and Maleek looking as red hot favourites. So who do you think 2007 belongs to? We think it could be between Bobby (The Buggz), Maleek, DNA & Chiwawa, what do you think?
Monday, February 19, 2007
Throwing Some D’s On This Blog
Now, that’s where I come in…(you’re gonna love me for this). In his hit track Rich Boy is referring to installing Dayton Wire Rims on a car. Dayton Wire Rims, often referred to as “Daytons” are like the Nike’s of car rims and have been popular by rap music. So the next time your bumping your head to Rich Boy’s latest hit track, you can educate your crew on exactly what the new kid is talking about.
Rich Boy’s self-titled debut album is set to be released on March 13th.
Check out the "Throw Some D's" video below...
Friday, February 16, 2007
Why ‘Lost’ Has Lost Steam As A TV Show

I also insist that there's no reason for TV stations spending lots of cash bringing us old episodes of popular TV series like 24 and Lost coz we've all watched them by the time they hit the local TV stations (thanks to bootleg DVD's, of course). What say you?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Who Are These Uppah Dudes???
Can anyone tell this blog who these cats are and ask them if they are down with performing at the CHAT Awards this April. To check out the clip of these Upparians, CLICK HERE...
Or btter still, watch this video peeps by clicking below.........
Friday, February 09, 2007
Are Celebrity Hook Ups Publicity Stunts?
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Taking Back The Youth Entrepreneurship Fund
Friday, January 26, 2007
What's The Ideal Price for a Kenyan CD?

Okay, so we’ve made a great deal of noise about how
If you buy 10,000 CD’s in bulk from any dealer, it will cost you about 8/- per CD
Printing 10,000 CD’s, plus printing on a paper (not plastic) case will cost 50/ - per CD
Mastering an album will cost you 5/- per CD
Mass producing 10,000 recorded CD’s will cost you 30/ per CD
Studio recording and producing an album will cost you 2/- per CD
Authorizing distributors in
Total Cost: 195/-
Recommended Retail Cost: 200/- onwards but not more than 300/-
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Launches Kenya’s First Ever Celebrity Week

The CHAT Awards Celebrity week jumps off with ex-Starch MC Jahmani, purveyor of the hit trax “Haters” and “Kiswahili.” Many of you will remember Jahmani won a CHAT Award in 2005 for Favourite Male Artist in the Schools Category - can he make the giant leap in this year’s edition? Jahmani expressed his burning ambition not only to lift the coveted teen gong, but to become a major player in
Teeniez Surprise Artist: B1, D8
Teeniez Rising Star: B4, D5
Other celebrities lined up to feature in the CHAT Awards Celebrity Week include multi-CHAT Award winner Redsan, Maleek, Shaun, Doobiez, JuaCali, Swaleh Mdoe amongst countless others. This year’s Fanta CHAT Awards will be held on April 14th at the KICC Celeb Dome from 10am – 6pm. Tickets go on sale beginning March.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Kenyan Music Is Dead!

Ladies and gentlemen, the State of the Ngoma is lifeless. Let me rephrase; it’s DEAD! I ain’t Nas, but the bitter truth of the matter is that our urban music industry doesn’t need life support, it needs a mortician. It’s dead and on the way to the cemetery. Unless….
First things first; we have to find out what caused the demise of Kenyan music. The primary suspect has to be the hardcore criminal who always goes unpunished – the pirate. Piracy has shot down the success of Kenyan urban music for decades, and until today, remains a tough nut to crack for law enforcement officers. Perhaps the hungry lions at KRA should be notified that the music industry has the potential to rake in billions of shillings in taxes…this should get them putting pressure on the law enforcement officers to ensure piracy is checked. Piracy may be our number suspect, but I believe there is another primary culprit who should be investigated…
I have strong reason to believe that you, yes, the moron reading this blog, are responsible for the demise of
But don’t make any conclusions yet, there is still another suspect I need to interrogate before making the final arrest. That suspect is a medium like this one. Yes, we the media are key players in the demise of
A sleuth, I may not be, but after looking at the evidence presented to me I am left with no doubt that the cause of
The Kenyan music consumer doesn’t want to spend 800 bob to buy an album, he reserves that kind of mullah for the top international stars. The purchaser of music in
Musicians have to realise that they are in a business and to survive they have to compete with street entrepreneurs. If bulk CD’s and tapes from China and South East Asia now sell for less than 20 bob, machines that print on CD’s and tapes retail at about 15k, and the cost of music production, mastering, distribution and marketing is pretty negligible, then the average cost of 1 album will not be over 100 bob! Musicians have to realise that no one is going to mass produce the music for them without wanting to make a profit for himself/herself. They have to wake up and understand that no one will create a distribution network for them or market their albums for free. Musicians in
Friday, January 05, 2007
Oliech Could Be Headed To The Prem

Sheffield United recently armed manager Neil Warnock’s war chest with US$ 9.75m (KShs. 682.5m) for the January transfer window and he’s already admitted that he’s looking for two foreign stars to bolster his attack. In addition, Sheffield United have made eight players available for transfer in January, and a further available for loan. These include Ade Akinbiyi, Paul Ifill, Steve Kabba, Li Tie, Geoff Horsfield, Chris Lucketti, Alan Wright, Neil Shipperley and David Unsworth. This should bring in some more funds for the club and create openings for 1 or 2 strikers. Already, Neil Warnock has expressed his desire to bring in some real quality this month, and has his mind set on a striker and a creative midfielder. Speaking to the Sheffield Star, Warnock said, “Because we've been doing well I'm now looking to bring in one or two players of real quality. Definitely a striker and probably a creative midfielder as well.' Although Warnock has admitted to looking abroad for this new talent, he has also emphasised the need to keep the balance right in the squad. He further added, “I'd like to strike a happy medium between English and overseas players, but we're looking to Africa,
Oliech’s options are still open as French clubs Sochaux and RC Lens have also expressed interested for
Thursday, January 04, 2007
High School's Hottest Honey

Nonini Leads CHAT Awards Nominations!
Sio lazima Nonini ashinde a Fanta CHAT Award, but the controversial Genge luminary and former CHAT Award winner has bagged himself a record 8 nods at the first stage of nominations of Kenya's biggest awards event. The nomination process for this year's Fanta CHAT Awards has been changed to spice things up. Instead of the final list of 4 nominees per category released every January, this year, an initial list of 8 has been released in a nomination phase dubbed "The First Wave." This list will be whittled down to the 'usual' 4 to kick of "The Second Wave" of nominations beginning February this year. The accommmodation of a larger spectrum of nominees has indeed made the initial nomination process more exciting and at the moment, it's anybody's guess who's going to make the final four.
Nonini has been nominated in 8 categories including Teeniez Male Artist, Teeniez Video (2), Teeniez Song (2), Teeniez Hottest Collabo (2) and Teeniez Most Scandalous Celeb. Another big winners are Doobeez a.k.a. Abbas Kubaff with 5 nods including Teeniez Surprise Artist, Teeniez Hottest Collabo and Teeniez Song, and exploding onto the scene is Chiwawa with 4 nods - the highest number for a debut artist. Citizen TV also makes an impressive debut with 4 nominations including potential 'Final 4' candidates in Xtreem Music and Tahidi High.
For a complete list of the Fanta CHAT Awards First Wave nominations, grab a copy of the January 2007 issue of The Insyder magazine from your school dealer, or at a supermarket, bookstore or retail outlet near you. For all you internet junkies, get your voting vybe on at by clicking on the 'CHAT Awards' link on the home page. You can also vote via SMS through the number 7070. For more details on how to vote, log on to The Insyder website or cop the lastest issue of Kenya's most influential magazine - u know who we be!
Don't forget to book April 14th on your calendar, coz the 6th annual CHAT Awards will be going down! Ya heard?
Bamboo Drops 2nd Mixtape Album